Vista Access Architects - Blog

Accessibility study for the 2032 Brisbane Athletes Village for the Office of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

One of our most exciting projects of 2024 was working on a project for the Brisbane Athletes Village for the Office of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (QLD Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning). 

BrisbaneThis project involved preparing a detailed study document between the requirements for the Athlete villages outlined in the International Paralympic Committee’s Accessibility Guide against the NDIS SDA Design Standards, Adaptable Housing Standards, Livable Housing Standards and the NCC Liveable Housing requirements. 

This study will feed into the guidelines for the design of the Athletes Village.

It has been an absolute honour to be part of this amazing project.

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Social Housing Project in Moruya

Moruya Project

Presenting of our recently completed projects for LAHC (Homes NSW) in Moruya

These dwellings have been developed as social and affordable housing with adaptable units.

 Architect: Anthony Nolan of Kennedy Associate Architects









Builder: Westbury Constructions

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Analysis of the 2024 car parking requirements under SEPP Housing 2021 for Seniors and People with a disability.

Analysis of the 2024 car parking requirements under SEPP Housing 2021 for Seniors and People with a disability.

[Class 1 parking options as per SEPP Housing 2021 (2024 version)]

Below is the link to a short video discussion by Farah Madon, Vista Access Architects, analysing the new car parking requirements under SEPP Housing 2021 for Seniors and People with a Disability that was released in Jan 2024. 

All opinions are based on our interpretation of the standards and viewers are urged to use the information at their own risk.



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Bespoke SDA Robust Housing in North Ryde NSW

1688725407982Vista Access Architects have recently certified another fantastic SDA Robust House in North Ryde NSW for BlueCHPdesigned to meet the individual needs of the three young ladies who will soon call it their forever home.

Architect: Anthony Nolan, Kennedy Associate Architects

Builder: Ronnie, Beaini, Academy Constructions

This is a participant led SDA Housing by BlueCHP to provide bespoke style housing for SDA participants.

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BaptistCare Carlingford


Vista Access Architects recently certified the 162 dwelling project at Carlingford for BaptistCare for LHA (Livable Housing Australia) Silver level.

These 162 dwellings have been developed as social and affordable apartments for seniors and single parent families.




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SDA apartments certified in Blacktown

Vista Access Architects recently certified 6 NDIS SDA apartments in Blacktown NSW

Architect: Anthony Nolan - Kennedy Associates Architects

SDA Provider: Nationwide Care Plus

Builders: Civic Properties

3D- Virtual walkthrough LINK HERE

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Participant led SDA Robust Housing in Rydalmere NSW

Robust house certified by Vista Access Architects - Photo shows a swimming pool next to a single storey houseVista Access Architects have recently certified a Robust home for 2 (two) SDA participants in NSW.

Architect: Anthony Nolan, Kennedy Associate Architects

Builder: Trinity Building

This is a participant led SDA Housing by BlueCHP to provide bespoke style housing for SDA participants.

 Some of the unique features include:

- Security Screens on inside rather than outside of the windows with blinds in between

- Swimming pool

- Separate wings for both participants with each having their own private living space as well as a common living space.

- Window panels provided in common use doors so that the carers can see through before they open the door

- Living rooms with 2 points of exits

- Floor heating so participantes can comfortably sit on the ground in winter


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2023 Mulgoa Local Women of the Year awarded to Farah Madon

Farah Madon was included on the NSW Local Women of the Year Honour Roll and received the 2023 Mulgoa Local Woman of the Year Award. 

Text below from Mulgoa Valley Gazette

Farah Madon, an architect dedicated to making housing more accessible for those living with disabilities, has been awarded the Local Woman of the Year Award by Tanya Davies MP. The award recognises her significant contribution to the local community, Western Sydney, and her unwavering commitment to making the region more equitable. Member for Mulgoa, Tanya Davies, congratulated Farah on the honour and acknowledged her hard work for the region.

Farah’s contribution to our community is immeasurable. Her work as an architect is making a significant impact, ensuring that those living with disabilities have access to safe and secure housing. It’s a privilege to recognise her as Local Woman of the Year” Mrs Davies said.

Farah expressed gratitude for the recognition and emphasised the importance of accessible housing for people with disabilities. 

It’s an honour to be awarded local woman of the year, but more importantly, it’s an opportunity to raise awareness about the need for accessible housing. Everyone deserves to have access to safe and secure housing, regardless of their abilities. I’m grateful for this award, but there is still much work to be done,” Mrs Madon said.

The Local Woman of the Year Awards is an annual program which recognises and celebrates the support women give to their local communities throughout NSW. Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor congratulated all the Local Women of the Year Award recipients. “I would like to acknowledge their significant efforts to support their local communities and thank them for all the work they do.”

The Local Woman of the Year Awards are a way the NSW Government celebrates the achievements of women as part
of International Women’s Day on March 8. The NSW Women of the Year Awards was held at the International Convention Centre, Sydney on March 9, 2023.

[2023 NSW Local Woman Award winners]

  1401 Hits

UDIA National 2023 Awards for Excellence- Finalist

It gives us great pleasure to announce that our Paper Mill Precinct project is a finalist in the UDIA National 2023 Awards for Excellence in the Masterplanned Communities category.

The Paper Mill Precinct project was by our long standing client's Coronation Property.

Vista Access Architects provided Access Consultancy services as well as NDIS SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) related services for this project.

Congratulations to all those involved with this awesome project:

SJBWoods BagotASPECT StudiosCity Plan ServicesMecone - Urban Planning EWFWMance Arraj Engineering Pty Ltd

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Preliminary findings of UTS Accessible Bathroom Research Project

As a part of our social responsibility / pro-bono works, Vista Access Architects have been involved with an exciting research project with UTS (University of Technology Sydney). The project is led by Professor Sidney Newton, Professor Simon Darcy and Dr Phillippa Carnemolla with Farah Madon and Mark Relf as industry partners and partnership with PDCN and SCIA.

This project undertakes inclusive empirical research with/by the aged and disability community, in living laboratory (mobile/field) settings. The research will document (accurately 3D scan) in-place accessible bathroom designs; analyse individual use experiences (using sophisticated motion-capture and user biometrics); and listen to (discuss, survey and observe) lived experiences. 






The video link is of the feedback webinar held on Tues 8 November 2022, and describes the research undertaken and findings from the project, along with next steps for improving these spaces for those that use them.


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Updated 2022 NCC Livable Housing Design Standard released

Over the past 2 months, Farah Madon has been working on behalf of ACAA (Association of Consultants in Access Australia) with a small group of people including representatives from the building industry, design professionals, certifiers and accessibility advocates as part of the Livable Housing Implementation Advisory Committee (LHIAC) to ensure that the new NCC Livable Housing Design Standard is clear and compatible with existing provisions of the NCC.

A copy of the updated NCC Livable Housing Design Standard can be downloaded from here

The work of the LHIAC is now continues with a focus on ABCB guidance materials and education programs to support the new provisions. These additional materials will be available in early 2023.



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Farah Madon awarded ACAA Fellow Membership

Farah Madon awarded ACAA Fellow Membership

Farah Madon was awarded ACAA (Association of Consultants in Access Australia) Fellow membership at the 2022 ACAA AGM for her significant contribution to ACAA and to the field of disability access.

Farah has served as a management committee member of ACAA for numerous years since 2010 and is the current Vice President of ACAA. As part of the management committee, she has organised 4 (four) ACAA National Conferences and was the founding editor of the association's Access Insight magazine.

She has also represented ACAA on multiple committees such as Standards Australia Committee ME-064 responsible for the suite of Australian Standards AS1428, RAIA’s (Australian Institute of Architect's) National Enabling Architecture Group, NDIS SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Reference Group and most recently on the ABCB's (Australian Building Codes Board's) LHIAC (Livable Housing Implementation Advisory Committee).

  1427 Hits

AS1428.1-2021- Technical article 2- Luminance Reflectance Value

Bite size technical article on AS1428.1-2021- Luminance contrast where one colour is known and you need to know what the contrasting colour needs to be, to comply with luminance contrast requirements for BCA/NCC or NDIS SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) requirements of SDA Design Standards for Improved Liveability.

Where LRV (Luminance Reflectance Value) of 2 (two) surfaces are known, calculating the difference in LRV is relatively simple via the Bowman-Sapolinski Equation. AS1428.1 and the SDA Design Standards state that for building elements such as doorways, a minimum of 30% luminance contrast is required between one of the following options:

  • door leaf and door jamb; or
  • door leaf and adjacent wall; or
  • architrave and wall; or
  • door leaf and architrave; or
  • door jamb and adjacent wall.

If you already know LRV of one surface for example the colour of the door, determining the actual value of LRV required for the other surface such as wall or door frame to achieve the 30% luminance contrast becomes more difficult; especially when there are 2 (two) possible answers.

For example, let’s look at an LRV of 20. To achieve 30% luminance contrast with a colour of LRV 20, there are 2(two) possible options. A colour with LRV of approximately 7 or a colour of LRV of approximately 41 will both provide a luminance contrast of 30% with the colour of LRV 20 as demonstrated in the below graph (Figure B.1 of AS1428.1-2021)










To simplify the calculations of finding the LRV when LRV of one colour is known, Vista Access Architects have a new Colour Selections Calculator on the website.

Step 1: To use the calculator input any 2 (two) fields highlighted in the section below.








Step 2: Taking the same example of LRV of 20 with a 30% luminance contrast requirement, input 20 in LRV 1 section and 30% in the contrast section.








Step 3: Click on the Calculate bar and answers of both 7 and 41 are obtained because both 7 and 41 will achieve a luminance contrast of 30% with LRV of 20








It is important to note that the formula has been reverse engineered and because of the number of decimal points considered in the formula the answer will not always be accurate. We would advise aiming for a 35% luminance contrast where a minimum of 30% is required to allow for calculations and the finishes (i.e. gloss level) achieved on site.

All usual disclaimers apply. Use as your own risk.
  1633 Hits

AS1428.1:2021- Technical article 1-Application of 1500mm clear width to Curved walkways/ramps

AS1428.1:2021- Bite size technical article 1 - Application of 1500mm clear width to Curved walkways and ramps

AS1428.1:2021 (Desing for Access and Mobility) Clause 7.4(f) Curved walkways, ramps and landings

The AS1428.1-2009 Clause 10.4 the following for curved walkways and landings requires:

  • Gradients (as per Figure 20)
  • Landings (as per Clause 10.8)
  • Length of curved ramp to be measured along its centreline
  • All curved ramps/ walkways to have a clear minimum width of 1500mm
  • Any crossfalls to be towards the centre of curvature

The clause caused confusion in the following areas:

  1. What is the definition of a 'curved' walkway or ramp? Would say a gentle 20M radius walkway still be considered to be a ‘curve’ and require 1500mm clear width?
  2. What would the junction of a 1000mm straight walkway with a 1500mm curved walkway look like?

To clarify this the AS1428.1:2021 has been updated to state the following:

  • The curved ramps are now defined as being maximum inside radius of 5M. Therefore, any curved ramps that have an internal radius of more than 5M need not provide a clear width of 1500mm but can remain a minimum of 1000mm.
  • At the junction of a straight walkway / ramp and a curved walkway / ramp, a 1500mm long straight landing is required which:
  1. Intersects with each other along the centreline
  2. The change in width from 1000mm (straight component) to 1500mm (curved component) is to be accommodated within the length of the 1500mm long straight landing.






Stone path photo created by mrsiraphol- Freepik

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Master Builders NSW, Award - William Clarke College

William Clarke College Vista Access Architects were the Access Consultants for William Clarke College that has been awarded the Master Builders NSW, Excellence in Construction Award. Our congratulations to Architects PMDL Architecture + Design and The Rohrig Group.

Photos courtesy of The Rohrig Group post on Linkedin

  1885 Hits

SDA Project in West Melbourne, VIC

SDA Project in West Melbourne, VIC

Client: Enliven

Access Consultant / SDA Assessor: Vista Access Architects

Completion date: 2022

Photo courtesy of Enliven Group

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SDA Project in Geelong, VIC

SDA Project in Geelong, VIC for

Client: Enliven

Access Consultant / SDA Assessor: Vista Access Architects

Completion date: 2022

Photo courtesy of Enliven Group

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SDA Project in Rockdale, NSW

SDA Project in Rockdale NSW for

Client: Rockdale Central Pty Ltd

Access Consultant / SDA Assessor: Vista Access Architects

Completion date: 2022

Photo courtesy of Enliven Group

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SDA Project in Blacktown NSW

SDA Project in Blacktown NSW

Client: Enliven

Access Consultant / SDA Assessor: Vista Access Architects

Completion date: 2022

Photo courtesy of Enliven Group

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NDIS SDA development in South Australia

SDA Project in SA, Bowden for

Client: Enliven

Access Consultant / SDA Assessor: Vista Access Architects

Completion date: Jan 2022

Photo courtesy of Enliven Group

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