
Farah Madon - Director Vista Access Architects

Architect, ACA Accredited Access Consultant, Livable Housing Assessor, Changing Places Assessor, NDIS Accredited SDA Assessor 

Farah is a passionate advocate for inclusion, especially for people with disabilities. Farah is the lead author of the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Design Standard.

Farah contributes on a number of Boards and Management Committees in relation to accessibility for people with disabilities including:

  • Current President of ACA (Access Consultants Association) (previously known as ACAA)
  • Australian Standards ME-064 Committee Member (responsible for developing the Australian Standards related to Access for people with disabilities),
  • Penrith City Council's Access Committee member,
  • RAIA’s (Australian Institute of Architect's) National Enabling Architecture Committee member,
  • NDIS SDA Reference Group member and
  • ABCB's (Australian Building Codes Board) Livable Housing Implementation Advisory Committee member.

Through Vista Access Architects, Farah provides Pro-bono access related services to a number of Disability related organisations every year as a part our Social responsibility to the local Community.

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Farah MadonFarah Madon - Director Vista Access Architects

Architect, ACA Accredited Access Consultant, Livable Housing Assessor, Changing Places Assessor, NDIS Accredited SDA Assessor

Farah is a passionate advocate for inclusion especially for people with disabilities. Farah is the lead author of the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Design Standard.

Farah contributes on a number of Boards and Management Committees in relation to accessibility for people with disabilities including being Australian Standards ME-064 Committee Member (responsible for developing the Australian Standards related to Access for people with disabilities), Penrith City Council's Access Committee member, RAIA’s (Australian Institute of Architect's) National Enabling Architecture Committee member, NDIS SDA Reference Group member and ABCB's (Australian Building Codes Board) Livable Housing Implementation Advisory Committee member.

Farah is also the current President of ACAA (Association of Consultants in Access Australia) now know as ACA (Access Consultants Association), being a Management Committee Member of ACAA since 2011.

Through Vista Access Architects, Farah provides Pro-bono access related services to a number of Disability related organisations every year as a part our Social responsibility to the local Community.

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Vanessa GriffinVanessa Griffin

ACAA Accredited Access Consultant and Livable Housing Assessor

Vanessa is a qualified Building Surveyor with over 18 years of experience in Local Government. Vanessa is an Access Consultant and an Accredited member of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia. Vanessa has been with Vista Access Architects since 2015.

Vanessa specialises in working with architects, designers, engineers, government agencies and managers of buildings and to ensure the requirements of disability access are incorporated into the proposed developments to ensure inclusiveness for the community and the building users.

Vanessa has worked on both desk top assessments as well as site inspections of Platinum LHA developments and is a Licenced LHA Assessor.

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Jenny DesaiJenny Desai

ACA Accredited Access Consultant, Livable Housing Assessor and NDIS Accredited SDA Assessor

Jenny is a qualified Building Designer with over 10 years of experience with a Master of Design (M.Des) from University of Technology, Sydney. Jenny has been with Vista Access Architects since 2015.

Jenny is an Accredited member of the Access Consultants Association, a Licensed LHA Assessor and an NDIS Accredited SDA Assessor.

Jenny specialises in working with Clients and Designers to ensure that compliance with Access related matters is met, right from the design stage of works. Her qualifications in Project management puts her at an advantage in managing projects from conception to the delivery stage.

Jenny has worked on hundreds of desk top assessments as well as site inspections of Silver, Gold and Platinum level Livable Housing Australia projects.

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Art Phonsawat

Art Phonsawat

ACAA Accredited Access Consultant

Art is a qualified Interior Designer, qualified Access Consultant and an Accredited member of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia. Art has been with Vista Access Architects since May 2020.

Art completed Certificate IV in Access Consulting. He holds an OHS Construction Induction Training Certificate and has assisted with multiple site inspections for Disability Access related matters.

Since joining Vista Access Architects, Art has worked on multiple Livable Housing Design projects involving desk top assessments as well as site inspections of Silver, Gold and Platinum level developments, multiple SDA projects and multiple Childcare and Boarding House projects.

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Trin Woo

Trin Woo

Access Consultant

Trin is a registered Architect (NSW Architects Registration Board number 11059) and has worked on a range of projects, including NDIS SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) projects, LHA (Livable Housing Australia) projects and SEPP Seniors projects in the capacity of an Architect for the past 10 years.
Trin is currently formalising her urban design focus and interest in the relationship between regulation, creativity and the urban environment through a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Sydney, due for completion in 2022. Trin has particular interest in design for equity and accessibility, both in the design of private spaces and the public realm.  
Trin joined Vista Access Architects in 2022 and is working towards becoming an Associate level Access Consultant.

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Zerr Contractor

Zerr Contractor

Trainee Access Consultant

Zerr is a Year 2 Bachelor of Architecture student from the University of Sydney. Zerr is interested in the field of disability access and inclusion and is doing a traineeship with Vista Access Architect.
She holds an OHS Construction Induction Training Certificate and has assisted with multiple site inspections for Disability Access related matters.

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Art Phonsawat

Swapna Menon

Access Consultant

Swapna is has a Bachelor of Architecture Degree B. Arch (Hon) from Mumbai University, India. She has worked on a range of projects, including NDIS SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) projects and LHA (Livable Housing Australia) projects. She is an Affiliate member of ACAA (Association of Consultants in Access Australia).

Swapna joined Vista Access Architects in 2023 and is working towards becoming an Associate level Access Consultant.

Read More about Swapna


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