Accessible Rooms & Parking Calculator

Accessible Rooms & Parking Calculator

Total number of Bedrooms / SOUs provided:
Total number of Car Parking spaces provided:
Accessible Bedrooms / SOUs required:
Accessible Car Parking spaces required:

Purpose of the Calculator
This Calculator is to assist with the numerical requirements of Accessible Bedrooms / SOUs and Accessible Car parking spaces for Class 1b and Class 3 developments based on BCA 2016 Tables D3.1 and D3.3.

SOU stands for Sole Occupancy unit. Sole Occupancy unit is defined by the Building Code of Australia (BCA) as a room or other part of a building for occupation by one or joint owner, lessee, tenant, or other occupier to the exclusion of any other owner, lessee, tenant, or other occupier and includes a dwelling; or a room or suite of rooms in a Class 3 building which includes sleeping facilities.

Class 1b is defined by the BCA as being a boarding house, guest house, hostel or the like with a total area of all floors not exceeding 300 m² measured over the enclosing walls of the Class 1b; and in which not more than 12 persons would ordinarily be resident; or 4 or more single dwellings located on one allotment and used for short-term holiday accommodation which are not located above or below another dwelling or another Class of building other than a private garage.

Class 3 is defined by the BCA as being a residential building, other than a building of Class 1 or 2, which is a common place of long term or transient living for a number of unrelated persons, including—
  1. a boarding house, guest house, hostel, lodging house or backpackers accommodation; or
  2. a residential part of a hotel or motel; or
  3. a residential part of a school; or
  4. accommodation for the aged, children or people with disabilities; or
  5. a residential part of a health-care building which accommodates members of staff; or
  6. a residential part of a detention centre.
Disclaimer:This calculator is based on BCA 2016 Tables D3.1 and D3.3. Use the Calculator at your own risk. The Calculator Designer / Vista Access Architects shall not be held liable for use of the Calculator.