FREE Calculator for number of Receivers required for Hearing Augmentation
Hearing Augmentation is required where an inbuilt amplification system is proposed in the following areas:
- a Class 9b building like an assembly building or school; or
- in an auditorium, conference room, meeting room or room for judicatory purposes; or
- at a ticket office, teller's booth, reception area where the public is screened from the service provider.
Also any screen or scoreboard associated with a Class 9b building capable of displaying public announcements must be capable of supplementing any public address system, other than a public address sytem used for emergency warning purposes only.
Options for hearing augmentation include,
- an induction loop to minimum 80% of the floor area served by the inbuilt amplification system; or
- a system requiring use of receivers to a minimum of 95% of the floor area served by the inbuilt amplification system. The BCA lists the number of receivers to be provided for this system based on room occupancy.
Vista Access Architect's website has a FREE CALCULATOR FOR RECEIVERS to comply with the requirements of BCA 2016.
Additional information on Hearing Augmentation is provided in AS1428.5 - Design for access and mobility - Communication for people who are deaf or hearing impaired